Beyond the Screen: Comparing Effectiveness of Psychosocial outcomes for Face-to-Face to Online Group Delivery
Alice Schmidt Hanbidge, Renison University College, Waterloo, ON (Canada)
Sloan Bruan Lorenzini, Florida International University, Department of Social Work, Miami, FL (USA)
Maryam Rafieifar, University of Texas at Arlington, School of Social Work, Arlington, TX (USA)
Mark Macgowan, Florida International University, Miami, FL (USA)
Is receiving support through online group sessions as beneficial as attending in-person group treatments? Through a systematic review process,15 randomized controlled trials with similar interventions were examined. The impact of both formats varied, with some showing small changes while others displayed exceptionally positive outcomes. Whether you opt for the digital embrace or the physical experience of face-to-face therapeutic group connections, both methods can be effective and helpful in fostering positive outcomes.
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Drawing inspiration from the IASWG conference theme that groupwork fosters both practical and powerful ways to support individuals, this poster explores the impact and variations of group delivery methods in advancing therapeutic connections and wellbeing. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, online group work interventions were widely adopted with the development of guides to support practitioners (Weinberg, 2020). The International Association for Social Work with Groups (IASWG) updated its Standards for Social Work Practice with Groups (IASWG Standards) and included recommendations on adopting technology to provide group-based interventions (IASWG, 2022). Given the expansion of online group-based interventions and the national public health crisis of loneliness (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2023), it important for practitioners to know if group work is equally effective when delivered face-to-face (F2F) or online. The research question this poster answers is whether similar group-based psychosocial interventions are comparably as effective when delivered online and face-to-face.The systematic review (Rafieifar et al. in press), adhered to PRISMA guidelines and was registered with PROSPERO. The initial search yielded 3,742 articles with 15 that met the criteria that included studies that randomly assigned participants into similar F2F and online group-based interventions. The studies reported significant decreased symptoms for a range of issues, including PTSD, bulimia, cancer, and social phobias, highlighting the applicability of group interventions across different health challenges. Most studies focused on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) as the intervention model. Three studies reported superior effectiveness in outcomes for face-to-face interventions; however, the between-condition effect sizes for the remaining studies yielded nonsignificant differences. The presence of high heterogeneity in the studies and limited rigorous designs suggest a need for further research and exploration of group variables in this context. The stage is set for a future where seeking support is not confined by geography, as the screens similarly glow as brightly as face-to-face group treatments. This research reinforces our commitment to collaborative endeavors for social justice, affirming the transformative potential of groupwork across diverse platforms to create connections and a sense of belonging.
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