Filtered by category: 2021 Posters Clear Filter

Anti-Racism Working Group: Exploring the Results of an Interdisciplinary Partnership at a Large Public University

Brie Radis, West Chester University, West Chester, PA (USA)
Donette Gordon, West Chester University, West Chester, PA (USA)
Anaïs Bailly-Mompoint, West Chester University, West Chester, PA (USA)
Meg Mraz, West Chester University, West Chester, PA (USA)
Ben Morgan, West Chester University, West Chester, PA (USA)

A group of students, staff and faculty developed an action-oriented community to increase awareness and advocacy efforts against systemic and micro-level racism. Founded by BSW/MSW faculty, the Anti-Racism Working Group (ARWG) goals are to include education and awareness, and dialogue about race, ethnicity, bias, power, and privilege; cultivate interdisciplinary faculty and student relationships, and inspire anti-racist actions. This presentation discusses and disseminates research about ARWG and early assessments of the program.

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Visual HeARTS: Connecting Young Adults with Cancer through Online Photovoice Group Work

Jennifer Currin-McCulloch, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO (USA)
Danielle Peterson, University of Saint Francis, Fort Wayne, IN (USA)
Shivani Kaushik, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO (USA)

This presentation will describe the planning through evaluative stages of an online photovoice group that included young adults with cancer. A discussion of the group dynamics that resulted from the members’ stage of life, various disease states, and goals for entering the group is offered. Attendees will gain an understanding of how to integrate photovoice methods in a virtual platform for the purpose of connecting young adults with cancer and other socially vulnerable populations.

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The Use of Expressive Arts to Build Connection

Claude Olivier, King's University College, London, ON (Canada)
Laura Lewis, King's University College, London, ON (Canada)

There has been growing interest in the use of the expressive arts in social work, leading both to theory and practice development. This presentation will convey the facilitated group work practice experiences of two social workers who provided expressive arts experiences in their local community and the benefits of these kinds of programs. Theoretical underpinnings of these groups and considerations for the applicability of these interventions to one's home communities will be explained.

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Sharing Our Story: A Student Support Group at Buena Vista University

Katie Gruhn, Buena Vista University, Storm Lake, IA (USA)
Brenna Horkey, Buena Vista University, Storm Lake, IA (USA)

COVID-19 affected all of us in ways that no one foresaw. Seeing a need for mental health resources on campus, we used our macro practice class to develop and launch a support group to help combat mental health issues among students. This presentation aims to describe how we developed our group, gives examples of successful group activities, and suggests how this type of program can be facilitated on other college and university campuses.

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Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

Rachel Minkoff, Yeshiva University, New York, NY (USA)

Social workers and social work educators must be better equipped to share knowledge on guardianship and its alternatives to better support the millions of people living with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This involves classroom and field education focused on this population, their mental health, and their related services. This presentation will offer recommendations for social work education and group work facilitation to properly prepare social workers to serve and advocate for this population.

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Situations complexes et besoin de collaboration : la contribution du travail de groupe

Isabel Lanteigne, Université de Moncton, Moncton, NB (Canada)
Penelopia Iancu, Université de Moncton, Moncton, NB (Canada)

Cette présentation porte sur le travail de groupe en contexte collaboratif qui est utilisé pour intervenir lors de situations complexes qui sont difficiles à résoudre de façon cloisonnée. Les auteures abordent les défis rencontrés lors de la collaboration IP ainsi que les stratégies employées par les travailleuses sociales pour surmonter ces défis. Pour conclure, la présentation soulève des pistes pour la formation des étudiantes et des intervenants en travail social.

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Groupe de soutien pour les proches aidants dont l’aîné a récemment été admis en centre d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée (CHSLD)

Anaïs Fortin-Maltais, Université Laval, Québec, QC (Canada)

Plus que jamais, on parle de proche aidance au Québec. Des politiques existent lors du maintien à domicile d’une personne âgée, mais lorsque son état de santé se dégrade et que l’hébergement devient inévitable, les proches aidants n'ont que peu ou pas de ressources vers qui se tourner. Cette affiche présente donc une intervention de groupe virtuelle destinée aux proches aidants dont l'aîné a récemment été admis en CHSLD.

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Group Work and Out of School Time Programs: How Afterschool Programs Benefit from Group Work Practice

Michelle Lopez, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)

Afterschool programs play an important role in youth development and in keeping children safe outside of school. This presentation aims to analyze the need for and impact of group work practice in the out-of-school-time program setting. Ways in which group work models can improve afterschool programs by supporting social emotional skill development, cognitive development, conflict resolution, and cohesion in schools will be explained.

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Le jardin-école comme ciment social au sein de communautés multi-ethniques

Nadine Babatounde, ONG, Cotonou, QC (Benin)

L’adhésion au "jardin école" pour bénéficier de la formation sur les techniques de jardinage combinées aux petits élevages est libre et volontaire dans les villages d’intervention du projet. Cette approche permet de regrouper plusieurs catégories sociales et ethniques (holli et mahi, Aizo et wémè) autour d’un même jardin école. Cette affiche discute des mécanismes et processus par lequels le travail social de groupe, tout en contribuant à l’amélioration des conditions matérielles de vie des communautés, permet de jeter des ponts de brassage et de cohésion entre des groupes sociaux isolés par des préjugés et méfiances séculaires que l’on pensait irréductibles. Elle conclut sur les leçons qui se dégagent d’une telle expérience qui méritent d’être portée à l’échelle.

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Facilitating Virtual Groups for Youth at a Closed-custody Detention Centre: Associated Experiences and Navigating Challenges as a New Social Worker

Simran Arora, Canadian Training Institute, Toronto, ON (Canada)

This presentation aims to describe the challenges associated with facilitating virtual psychoeducational groups for youth at a closed-custody detention centre. The poster outlines my experiences as a new social worker and the different ways challenges related to confidentiality, technology, and the COVD-19 pandemic were addressed. Successes resulting from the program and recommendations for future groups and practitioners are also stated within this poster.

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Availability of BIPOC Groups in Chicagoland High Schools: Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Kimberly Zaucha, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
Antonia Stamatoukos, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)

This poster examines the availability of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) support groups in Chicagoland high schools prior to and during COVID-19. A survey was administered to predominantly white and diverse high schools to determine the possibility of a correlation between groups offered and racial/ethnic composition of the student body. This poster intends to determine a shift, through survey data, in the numbers of BIPOC groups offered amid a racial and global pandemic.

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LGBTQ+ Identity Development and Euphoria Curriculum for Groupwork within a High School Setting

Erica Fada, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)

With an increase in LGBTQ+ individuals within younger populations, and the fact that members of Generation Z already identify with the community during their adolescence, there is a great need for support around queer identity formation in adolescents' lives. However, despite the growing need for LGBTQ+ support, curricula around how to develop groups for these populations is lacking. This poster presents a summary of curriculum development and implementation for groups tailored to LGBTQ+ high school adolescents.

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Small Process Groups: Would They Enhance the MSW Student Experience?

Julie Jensen, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)

Due to the emotional nature of the MSW curriculum, students experience triggers, vicarious trauma and extreme stress at a higher rate than other programs resulting in the need for more support. Individual therapy and integrative seminars are commonly provided; however, process groups are rarely offered. This poster presents the findings from a survey of MSW students and the impact they feel process groups would have on their experience.

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Parents' Preferences on the Content of a School Social Group Work Bullying Programme

Willemien Roodt, North West University, Potchefstroom, Swartruggens (South Africa)
Marie Ubbink, North West University, Potchefstroom (South Africa)

A quantitative cross-sectional survey obtained the preferences of primary school learners' parents, on the content of a three-dimensional (parent, learners, and educators) school social group work bullying programme. A descriptive analysis, t-tests, ANOVA and Spearman correlations was done. Data analysis revealed content element rated most applicable and least applicable by parents. Emerging themes was identified in the narrative qualitative question responses. A thematic analysis revealed content that could be added to such a programme.

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