Filtered by category: 2022 Posters Clear Filter

Therapeutic Group Intervention for Muslim Women Surviving Domestic Violence

Tamara Alshoweat, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)

Muslim women are often underrepresented in the therapeutic setting. This poster addresses the lack of representation of Muslim women in therapy. This poster will also touch on the need for more research on groups for Muslim women and the most effective way to set groups for Muslim women. This poster will mention the group process, therapeutic factors, gaps in literature and suggestions for further groups.

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Using Community-based, Psycho-educational and Skills Support Groups to Help Individuals Reenter Society

Elliot Ash, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)

This poster describes ways into which community and psychoeducational support groups can help to lessen recidivism rates. Such groups like trauma-focused support groups and skills-based groups were found to foster a sense of community. Case examples from Chicago, IL will be explained.

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The Relevance of Group Work in the Correctional Service Facilities: A South African Case Study

Andrew Spaumer, IASWG Africa Chapter, Tshwane (South Africa)

The South African Correctional Services Facilities (prisons and jails) utilizes group work interventions to address the needs of inmates. This  presentation explains the relevance of group work as experienced by both the social workers (group facilitators) and the inmates. The presentation will further show how diversity is addressed through group work within this system.

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Using 12-Step Peer Support Group: Voices of Recovering Social Workers

Azahah Abu Hassan Shaari, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Bachok (Malaysia)
Bernadine Waller, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, NY (USA)
Muhammad Azim Abu Hassan Shaari, Kolej Islam Antarabangsa Sultan Ismail Petra, Kota Bharu (Malaysia)

This poster describes recovering social workers’ insights about the use of 12-step peer support group to manage the complex process of personal recovery while working in addiction treatment agencies. Participants shared valuable accounts related to participation in 12-step peer-support group as an important and significant aspect of their recovery process. For instance, the social networking with other peers was a crucial component in 12-step that significantly helped guiding participants in their recovery.

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Benefits of a Support Group for High Schools Students Returning After a Mental Health Related Hospitalization

Evan Kafka, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)
Emily Balentine, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL (USA)

This poster explains how a support group helped encourage students to successfully transition into the high school environment after a recent mental health hospitalization. The poster describes the structure of the group, introduction of the evidence-based research, and the benefits of the group.

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(Re)constructing Positive Self: Group Work in Community with Persons Suffering from Mental Illness

Dovilė Daugėlienė, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (Lithuania)

Mental illness is a challenging experience that can destabilize personal, professional, and social life. This poster shares experiences and insights about process of (re)building positive self-image through group work to develop social, emotional, and professional skills for people with mental illnesses.

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Briser le silence et l’isolement des familles ayant un enfant qui vit avec de problèmes de santé mentale : la contribution des pratiques de groupe

Penelopia Iancu, Université de Moncton, Moncton, NB (Canada)
Isabel Lanteigne, Université de Moncton, Moncton, NB (Canada)

Les résultats préliminaires d’une recherche qualitative exploratoire sur le vécu de parents ayant un enfant avec des problèmes de santé mentale seront présentés dans cette communication. Une vingtaine de parents Néobrunswickois ont participé à l'étude au sujet de leur expérience d’accompagnement lorsqu’ils ont reçu des services pour leur enfant. Nous explorons donc le rôle que le travail social de groupe peut jouer pour promouvoir la solidarité entre les familles, les intervenants et les communautés.

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Working Group: Aprendizaje de las competencias teórico-prácticas del trabajo social de grupo, una construcción colaborativa

Belén Parra, University Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)

Experiencia docente y colaborativa con profesionales y personas usuarias de un servicio de rehabilitación comunitaria de salud mental, para el aprendizaje de las competencias necesarias para la conducción de grupos. Es un proyecto de innovación docente de la Universidad de Barcelona. Tiene la duración de dos años y se lleva a cabo en la asignatura de Trabajo social de grupo del Grado de Trabajo social, en 4 grupos de 60 estudiantes por grupo.

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